25 Affordable Vintage Pieces to Start a Collection

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There’s something really enjoyable about owning a collection and always having something you can look for while you’re thrifting or out at a flea market. But some vintage items can be VERY expensive, so I’ve compiled a list of inexpensive items that make a great collection.


Use them as décor on a gallery wall or listen to them on the ol’ turntable!


Personally my biggest collection that I started by collecting one $.25 thrifted tin at a time. I linked a bunch of my favorite vintage tins so you can start your own collection.


I love collecting vintage souvenirs from wherever I travel. Wherever I visit I stop by some thrift stores because they will often have a mug from the area or other souvenirs for very cheap. Souvenirs can be spoons, mugs, plates, salt and pepper shakers etc. Check out my blog post all about taking a thrift shopping road trip to find some local souvenirs.


Collectible vintage plates are great leaning in the back of a shelf or hanging up on a wall as a collection.


My collection of globe tin piggy banks. Here’s some globe tin piggy banks for sale on Etsy right now.

Piggy banks

There’s so many different types of vintage piggy banks, like the globes above and this cute little mother hen. Affordable piggy banks are ones that banks used to give out! Those are normally pretty cheap and are super cute.


Tupperware can usually be found cheaply at thrift stores. Priced individually they are inexpensive and you can make your own set that way.

Die cuts

I love collecting seasonal vintage die cuts. Check your thrift stores when they start switching over to seasonal décor like Christmas and Halloween. Die cuts are basically just paper so I normally find them for less than $1 a piece.


Pop bottles with colorful advertising are my favorite. You can also collect vintage liquor bottles or pharmacy bottles.

Perfume bottles or Avon Bottles

Avon bottles are very common and they come in all kind of shapes, colors and themes. I have good luck finding these at estate and garage sales.

Board games

Check the board game section at thrift stores for vintage ones mixed in between all the trivia pursuits. I decorate with all the components of a board game, like using the cards in a garland and the board game and box as art. You can buy your own vintage Candyland cards to make a garland just like the one in my photo.


Display vintage hankies in a spoon rack as part of your decor. Or if you can sew you can make them into pillows or curtains.


I collect handmade afghans for fall, winter and spring/summer. You can find them in different colors and patterns to fit your home’s style and vibe.


This wouldn’t be my blog post without sharing my obsession with vintage sheets! I always buy my vintage sheets at thrift stores and love how they look stacked together in rainbow order on display. You can buy your own vintage sheets online or you can check out my blog post on 15 Ways to Upcycle, Repurpose and Use Vintage Sheets.


Vintage towels are inexpensive at thrift shops too just not as common to find. When you see one be sure to scoop it up!


Postcards are VERY cheap. I often find them sitting in a basket at the front counter at thrift stores for $.25-$1 each.

Greeting cards

I find greeting cards at estate sales and I love putting them in flower frogs on display.

Wrapping paper

You can use vintage wrapping paper to craft with and when they aren’t in use you can display them in a cute waste paper basket.

Playing cards

Always search through the playing cards at thrift stores. You never know what adorable sets you’ll find! I’ll hang them on a piece of string for a garland or put them in a flower frog on display.

Mugs & Teacups

Mugs are great on display in a kitchen. I have some hooks hanging on the underside of my pie safe that I like to hang my teacups on.

There you have it! 20 inexpensive vintage items to start collecting. Do you collect any of these? Did I miss anything? Let me know! Now that we are done talking about starting a collection be sure to read my blog post all about Designing as a Maximalist.

Or if you want help with organizing your vintage collection you can book a vintage interior design call with me. Sometimes it helps to have someone to bounce decorating ideas off of and I’d love to help you!


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