12 Sewing Projects to Reuse Fabric Scraps


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Sewers are always looking for ways to use up every last scrap of fabric! Whether it’s to lower your amount of waste or to use every piece of your favorite fabric, we are always looking for more ideas. Here are 12 ways that I’ve used up fabric scraps.


EPP Hexies

English paper piecing is hand sewing with the help of scrap paper. I’ve made little hexie earrings using this method. I’ve also used hexies inside of junk journals (See a photo of my junk journal below) but most people use EPP to make quilts.


Mini Bunting

I loved making this mini bunting for my sewing room. I had a few small pieces of precious feedsack fabric that I didn’t want to go to waste. I sewed them onto some bias tape and it turned out amazing! You can find vintage feedsack fabric for sale online. For more garland ideas you can check out my blog post on 10 Easy DIY Garland Ideas. I have a step by step blog post for sewing bunting as well.


Junk Journal Collage

I made a collage out of smal1 1 inch fabric pieces by placing them on the sticky side of two shipping labels. You can also see that I made little fabric paperclips as bookmarks. The possibilities are endless for how to use scraps inside junk journals!

I watched the video below from Kittywitty Papercraft to make the junk journal above. Her tutorials are super informative!

DIY Garden Kneeler

Filler for a Garden Kneeler

I made this garden kneeler for my Dad who is always working on something. Instead of filling it with polyfil which would flatten out in no time, I filled it with ugly fabric scraps. This is a great way to use up those salvage cut offs, denim scraps and other pieces of fabric that you don’t want to keep. Using a lot of scraps can add weight so I mixed in quilt batting scraps that I had no use for.

I followed this DIY Garden Kneel Pad Tutorial to make mine.


Fabric Strip Balls

I love using fabric strip balls as decor! They are super cute and no sewing required. You can use a styrofoam ball and wrap it with cute fabric. Or you can create a ball in the center using ugly fabric and then wrap that ball with cute fabric (My preferred method because it’s completely free to create).


Fabric Flowers

You can make all kinds of fabric flowers with scraps. I made my wife’s boutonniere for our picnic wedding using tiny vintage fabric scraps.


Quilted Pillows

You can never have too many decorative pillows! My first quilting project was making a pillow and it was a great way to start quilting. I used a basic pillow form inside and used an envelop style closure in the back.


Cat Toys

When I have fabric strips that don’t fray (Like cut-up t-shirts) I tie a mouse on the end and they make the best cat toys! I’m not kidding when I say that they are my cat’s favorite toy. My cat will bring the t-shirt mouse toy to me at night she loves it so much! I’ve wasted so much money on expensive toys and nothing beats this cheap handmade one.


Filler for a Draft Blocker

Another way to use up your ugly scraps is to make a draft blocker. I live in an old house and use draft blockers everywhere in the winter. Not only on doors but on my windows too where there are drafts. Sew a basic tube and stuff it full of scraps that you don’t want to see.


Collage Artwork

Whenever I make framed ephemera art I like to include vintage fabric scraps. Instead of only using paper, I like to use a different texture and add fabric. In this photo, you can see that I added a small strip of pink striped fabric. I have a tutorial on how I make my own vintage paper ephemera art.


Fabric Strip Garland

I made a lot of vintage sheet garland for my wedding. When I was down to little scraps I made the garland for my drink table by tying strips together onto a piece of twine. I love the look of vintage floral fabric blowing in the breeze! If you don’t want to go through the effort of making your own strips you can buy a fabric strip garland kit at Vintage Fabric Studios Etsy shop.


Fabric Yo-Yo’s

Fabric yo-yos are adorable! You can make a quilt out of them or put them in jars for decor.


There are your 12 fabric scrap projects! How do you like to use up your scraps? Let me know in the comments or on my Instagram.

For more ways to use fabric check out my post on 15 Ways to Upcycle, Repurpose and Use Vintage Sheets.


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